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What to expect during the consultation

Before the initial visit the client will be asked to fill out a comprehensive questionnaire. The initial visit usually lasts 1 ½- 2 hours. You will be asked to describe your symptoms in detail, including sensations, emotions, family history, and sleep and digestive patterns. This conversation gives the homeopath the information needed to find the remedy that closely matches the individual.Follow up visits generally follow in 4-6 weeks, sometimes sooner if needed. Phone and email consultations are available when necessary.


What would a person see a homeopath for?
Homeopathy treats the person not the disease, so it is not limimted to certain conditions.


Colds, flu

Childhood illnesses such as ear infections,  

     colic, teething pain and bedwetting

Digestion disorders

Headaches, migraines

Tooth pain

Injuries, burns


Are Homeopathic remedies safe?

Yes, homeopathic remedies are non-toxic. They work on an energetic level, stimulating
the body’s own healing response. Homeopathic remedies can be taken by the elderly,
children, and infants and during nursing and pregnancy.


Do I have to stop taking my other medications?

No, homeopathic remedies will not interfere with the medications you are taking.
Homeopathic remedies have no contraindications or side effects.


Can homeopathy help my pet?

Yes. Animals respond beautifully to homeopathy, also disproving the placebo effect. 



Recovery from surgical            procedures






Skin conditions
PMS & Menopausal symptoms







Learning disabilities

Pregnancy & breast feeding

Memory problems


Obsessive-compulsive disorders

Addictive behaviors

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